One of the easiest ways to save money on your auto insurance is by enrolling in your insurer’s telematics program. Telematics is basically putting a device in your car for a few months so it can monitor how much you drive and your driving behavior. What we like about it is that you get an initial discount for doing your insurer’s telematics program, and based off your driving, you can earn even bigger discounts. Titan Insurance Service’s Liz Giannetti and her husband Joe did it last year when they moved their coverage over to Safeco Insurance and now they get 12 percent off their auto insurance every year!
I will usually enroll you in these programs when we move carriers, but the key is to install the telematics device and adhere to your insurer’s program, or else you’ll see them hit you with an increased rate! If you want to know more about telematics and the discounts you can earn, give me a call or shoot me an email.
The Kentucky Derby is the longest running sporting event in the U.S. The first was held on May 17, 1875 and won by three-year-old chestnut Thoroughbred Aristides in just over two minutes and 37 seconds.
While we’re on the topic of saving money on your insurance, you can save up to 10 percent on your homeowners insurance if you have a monitored alarm system.
Monitored alarm systems have a lot more features today than of those systems of the past. In addition to monitored burglar, fire and carbon monoxide alarms, you can customize your system to include things like:
Eric Murr from Vector Security can help you assess your home and recommend a custom security solution for your individual needs. You can reach him at 614-400-6714 and